Share your story and support your sisters

Everyone has a stoRy to tell


There is undoubtedly comfort to be found in solidarity. Shared experiences can bring us peace, knowing that we aren’t the only one going through something.

With that in mind, we would love to create an online library of YOUR stories. Tales of pregnancy and birth, settling down or upping sticks, giving up the 9-5 or struggling with the work/life juggle. If you have a story to tell, we would love to hear it. It can be about absolutely anything related to motherhood or womanhood.

We’ll compile the stories in a new Storytime section here on our website (with credit or anonymously) and if you already have a blog of your own, we can link to your story there too.

The aim is to create an online library of women’s stories, of YOUR stories, so that together we can offer solidarity and support to others.

Share your story

Would you like to share an existing blog post?

Would you like to remain anonymous?

Do you have an image you’d like to use?

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